October 31, 1975
A quick survey of members attending the October 15, 1975 club meeting revealed that 38 systems are up and running. Distribution as follows: ALTAIR 8800 - 22, other 8080s - 3, 8008s - 5, 6800s - 2, 6501/2s - 2, others - 4. About 80 people attended this meeting.
Other news discussed during this meeting included TI's new microprocessor ¬- 16 bit, 64 pin, N-MOS, multiply and divide instructions, $150-$200; Nat¬ional’s SCAMP - like MOS Technology 6502; Denver Digital Group's new TV display; Processor Technology's new TV display; and the Dazzler color TV display.
More discussion of BASIC and the latest version available. ALTAIR 3.1 is apparently the latest release.
John Schulein, telephone (498) 257 0975 San Jose, will keep a master tape library for the Club. Please give John a copy of your checked out tapes so that he can help out others needing programs. A specification or at least some background documentation will be essential for John and users.
M&R Enterprises demonstrated their new modem designated toe Penney Whistle 103. It is capable of originate and receive modes. Available about the end of December. Also, they expect to have joy sticks in early January.
Robert Baer is handling group buy items for members who want to save some money or just get some hardware as well as save some money.
Lots of news at the meetings as you can tell from these notes. Everyone is invited who is interested in computers for the hobbyist. About 120 attended this meeting. Please turn to page six for the meeting schedule.