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DigiBarn TV Feature: Bruce Damer's Tour of the DigiBarn

Bruce Damer, curator of the DigiBarn, takes you on a whirlwind tour of the museum's collection, starting with the crusty S-100 micros of the 1970's, through the turbulent years of incompatible systems and GUI's of the 80's and into the spectacular internet bubble of the 90's right up to the still-evolving present. Hint: while watching keep an eye open for cool schwag! This piece was shot in September of 2002 by DigiBarn co-founder and Videomaker Allan Lundell and was screened to the board of the Computer History Museum.

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Also take a look at our photos of an walkthrough of the DigiBarn Curator Bruce Damer

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Introducing DigiBarn cofounder and DigiBarn TV Producer Allan Lundell who has been cranking out streaming video of the various activities here for several years.


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