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Kaypro 2X

From Wikipedia's entry on the Kaypro:

Kaypro II - The first commercially released Kaypro, was an immediate success, dominating over its competition, the Osborne I microcomputer. The Kaypro II had a 9 inch internal monitor instead of the Osborne's tiny 5 inch display, and double sided floppy drives with twice the storage capacity.

Kaypro 2X

Thanks John Hagler for the donation of this Kaypro 2X. From Wikipedia's entry on the Kaypro:

Kaypro 2X - The Kaypro 2X was similar to the Kaypro 4, but it featured a built in 300 baud modem. Kaypro 2X's were often sold in a bundle with an impact printer. An evolution of the Kaypro II, the Kaypro IV had two DS/DD drives (390 kB) and came with Wordstar in addition to the Perfect Suite of software.


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See Also:

The Digibarn's other Kapro systems and artifacts

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